Introduction to Sea Shanties
📍 Blow the Man Down: Sea Shanties as Folk Tradition
Welcome back to a task podcast, where we dive into the fascinating histories and contexts behind nursery rhymes, sand folk songs. Today's episode is a little bit different because the song that I'm exploring blow the man down. Might not immediately strike you as a nursery rhyme. It's actually a sea shanty.
And while my personal Spotify playlist may be packed with them. I wouldn't necessarily associate them with children's songs. However to my surprise, blow the man down frequently appears in children's programming from YouTube channels to educational TV series.
Seriously, give it a quick, a Google. Even, I was surprised.
Now see shanties hold a special place in my heart. If I had a million lives, I devote at least one entirely to studying their. Intricate history in linguistic roots. Did you know that many everyday English phrases come from nautical terms that we still even use today by large bullied, loose cannon and even high and dry, all originate from the maritime world. I just think that's fascinating.
Exploring 'Blow the Man Down'
But before we get too carried away, let's start with the lyrics of blow the man down. Here's how the Shanti goes. There's usually the shanty man or chanting man who yells out the first, first, and then the rest of the crew you'll out the second or the chorus. So the soloist goes now rouser right up boys for Liverpool pet town. And then Steelers go, go way, way.
Blow the man down. So Lewis goes, we'll blow the man up and we'll blow the man down. The sailors. Give us some time to blow the man down.
Now I find sea shanties a lot like nursery or I'm sometimes in the fact that the more popular it is. Or the more catchy I find it, the more difficult I have reading it without the kind of music behind it.
Listening to Historical Renditions
So let's go ahead and listen to a rendition of it. The library of Congress. Of course I can't speak. It's prices.
Hi enough has a really awesome collection of CNCS and. The one that I'm going to play for you now comes from. Mark. Smith, who was the ranger, and this is performed by the Peerless quartet. In 1914 and the whole record is only three minutes. So I'm going to go ahead and play the whole thing. And here you'll actually hear four different sea shanties. Sally brown blow the man down whiskey for my Johnny and away from Rio. I recommend also looking these up on Spotify. There is a wonderful band called the longest John. That. Just wonderful, modern renditions to these sea shanties.
So listen to this. And then as soon as you're done listening to this episode and reviewing it and liking it, go ahead over to Spotify where you can listen to some other amazing. amazing. renditions, but let's go ahead and take a listen to this now. 📍
There are numerous variations of these verses as lyrics were often improvised by the Chante man, depending on the crew and their task. And just like any oral tradition or folklore. Piece that I've talked about. Of course things change.
Types and Functions of Sea Shanties
Blow the man down is categorized as a hail yard shanty used for raising sales. And believe it or not, there are different types of shanties depending on what job was being done. The rhythm of the song dictated the crews work. They rested during the verses and hold during the chorus. Now to me, one term that stands out in these shanties and just like, , Weller man that became popular during COVID is bully. Historically a bully was simply a strong or capable sailor. So this term evolved to carry the negative connotations.
We know today. She aunties like this one are riddled with such linguistic treasures. Providing a window into the maritime culture of the 19th century.
Blow the man down his index as rout folk song number 2,624. And Teresa's, it's documented roots to the mid 18 hundreds. The Syracuse daily carrier of 1867 includes an excerpt from the song. Referring to its use aboard a steam ship bound for Glasgow. However, like most sea shanties, its origins likely extended back even further through world tradition.
I would even say a century or more.
Cultural and Historical Insights
Steve Winnick of the library of Congress, who is a wonderful man that I've, I've met a time or two at the American folklore conferences. Provides crucial insights into shanties developments. He says. The tradition of shanties as repertoire of work songs through distinct lyrics, melodies entitles seem to emerge in the early to mid 19th century. This was when shipping companies sought to maximize cargo capacity with fewer sailors requiring a more coordinated inefficient workforce.
When X research also emphasizes the pivotal role of afro Caribbean and African American sailors in shaping the genre. He writes some
some of the most reliable sources on Shanti.
Tell us that often the most valued singer, a board, a ship was a black sailor. We can hear the connections between shanties and field hollers in other land-based work songs that African-Americans knew. Now, I take a moment to plug some of my other past episodes, especially. , when, Ms. Susie had a Steamboat. I talk about clapping games and rope. Jumping songs. It's very similar to this. That's from season one. You should go check it out in any case, he continues. Shanties, therefore serve not only as maritime folklore, but also as cultural artifacts that reflect the diverse contributions of African and Caribbean communities.
The word Chancy likely derives from the French chanter, meaning to sing. The songs were as practical as they were musical designed to synchronize a physical tasks in boost morale. Each type of Shanti had a specific function. Cap Stan shanties for raising the anchor featuring steady rhythms of four long tasks. Hilliard shanties for hoisting sails with alternating, verses, and courses to match the effort required. Short drag shanties for quick intense tasks like trimming sails. Winless and pumping shanties for operating pumps or wind lasses, essentially for managing water in the ships bilge. Ceremonial shanties song during celebrations or off duty hours, often telling stories of battles, love or homesickness.
Each of these types serves a dual purpose, keeping sailors, physically coordinated and providing a creative outlet for self-expression.
Despite their important sea shanties have often been overlooked by scholars, particularly regarding their African and Caribbean influences. Juliana Colcord who group a board toll ships highlighted this in her 1924 book roll and go stating and excuse the anachronistic word choice. American Negroes were the best singers that ever lifted a shanty. Aboard ship. Stand Hugo, the latest known British Shantymen also credited black sailors with preserving in enriching.
This tradition.
Today groups like the Northern neck Chante singers, keep this legacy alive, ensuring that these songs were made a vibrant part of our cultural history.
This brings us to a critical question in one that I ask myself and ask you.
Sea Shanties vs. Nursery Rhymes
Our sea shanties nursery rhymes. At first glance, the answer might seem obvious. Of course not. Shanties we're practical songs born out of necessity and shaped by the grueling often perilous life aboard ships. They were sung by sailors to coordinate their movements late in the burn of backbreaking tasks in foster camaraderie, in the face of long voyages and uncertain fates. Nursery rhymes on the other hand are typically associated with children's simple playful ditties meant to entertain, educate, or comfort young minds. However the line between these two categories, isn't as clear cut as it might appear. And one that I, this line is something I talk about a lot on this podcast. Now let's consider what makes a nursery rhyme. One repetition and rhythm. Many nursery rhymes are characterized by repetitive phrases in strong rhythmic patterns. That makes them easy to remember and enjoyable to recite.
Sea shanties, such as blow the man down. Share this feature. They're calling response structure and steady beats were designed to be memorable and engaging. Not for children, but for sailors who needed to synchronize their movements during physically demanding tasks, this overlap inform makes sea shanties naturally appealing to younger audiences.
Even if that wasn't their original intention.
To cultural transmission. Both nursery rhymes and sea shanties are deeply rooted in oral tradition. Passed down through the generations. And the case of shanties, the songs are often adapted and modified by different crews, incorporating regional influences, personal experience in contemporary events and politics. Similarly nursery rhymes have evolved over time with their lyrics, reflecting, changing societal norms and values. The shared adaptability and capacity for reinvention are a part of what makes both forms enduring and universal and so interesting to research. Playful and thematic content, number three.
Well, the themes of sea shanties, hard labor authority and maritime life. Might seem far for move from the whimsical subjects of nursery rhymes. There are surprising parallels. For example, nursery rhymes often carry darker undertones as I've discussed. Beneath their cheerful. Exterior's.
And the same way sea shanties, like blow the man down mask, the harsh realities of sailor life. With The melodies and humor.
Number four, applying to modern audiences.
Modern Adaptations and Educational Uses
Now in recent years, sea shanties have experience of resurgence in popular culture are fueled in part by their adaptability to modern platforms like Tik TOK. They're catchy rhythms and communal spirit resonate with people of all ages, including children. Educational programs and entertainment for kids frequently incorporate shanties, like blow the man down, simplifying the lyrics in emphasizing the fun rhythmic elements to make them more.
Child-friendly. One example of this can be found in Singapore. Shante's a program that uses songs, like blow the man down to teach teamwork, historical awareness, and even basic musical concepts. To school, age children. This contemporary adaptation blurs the line between traditional sea shanties and nursery rhyme. Like role, they now play in children's lives.
Five didactic function. Like nursery rhymes, which often teach children counting Miralee or cautionary tales, sea shanties had a functional purpose. They were in essence working songs designated to instill rhythm in order in an otherwise chaotic environment. This didactic aspect, whether teaching a crew to pull a hail yard or helping children learn their music, create a fascinating bridge between the two forms. My final thoughts on the connection.
So can see shanties, like blown the band down, be considered an assurance.
The answer might lie in how they are used rather than their origins. Well, they were never intended for children. Their structure, rhythm and cultural adaptability have allowed them. To find a place in modern childhood experiences. In the end, whether a song. And it is a nursery rhyme, a sea shanty or something in between might depend on the context in which it's heard and the way it's embraced by its audience.
The beauty of folk music lies, instability, transcend boundaries, connecting people across ages, cultures, and centuries. This podcast looks at nursery rhymes. Uh, in a lot of different lights, but one of the ways I'm very interested about them is how they linguistically carry termed to a modern sphere where we might otherwise not use them.
And in this case, TCNJ. And she's in nursery rhymes have a lot in common.
Conclusion and Further Resources
Now if you're as captivated by CMTS as I am, I recommend exploring the following resources. The Vaughan Williams Memorial library sense of collection on historical recordings, which is linked to my blog. The maritime music directory international is a national maritime historical site society, which provides excellent definitions in contexts about 19th century sailing life, which I. I ended up reading for hours at a time because I know nothing about sailing. Steve Linux blog at the library of Congress, which delves into the fascinating interplay between Shante's in cultural history.
And he covers a wide range of topics. And it's just a fascinating person to talk to. So check out these links and more on my blog. It also includes all of the citations in which I referred to on this podcast.
Sea shanties, like blow the man down or more than just work socks. They're living artifacts of a bygone era. They remind us of the resilience and creativity of sailors. The multicultural roots of maritime tradition and the enduring power of music to connect this across time and space. Thank you for joining me on this ha voyage through history. And stay tuned until next week where I'll cover another fascinating 📍 nursery rhyme. Take care.