A Tisket-Tasket Podcast

Season 3: Episode 0 - Happy New Year 2025! State of the Podcast!

Gina Zimbardi Season 3 Episode 1

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Episode Description: Happy New Year and Exciting Updates

Welcome to 2025! It’s been a while since my last update, but this podcast is far from abandoned. In this episode, I share the highlights of my journey over the past few months, including speaking at the 2024 American Folklore Conference. From reconnecting with friends to presenting on Jimmy Buffett and Bascom, it was an inspiring experience that also led to an article submission to The Journal of American Folklore.

I also have exciting news! I’ve applied for a fellowship at Oxford University’s Bodleian Library to study a special folklore collection, and I’ve been offered a paid position in Memorial University’s Folklore PhD program in Newfoundland, starting September 2025. Both opportunities are thrilling, and I discuss my hopes, fears, and plans as I consider these next big steps.

As always, I am incredibly grateful for this community, which has fueled my passion and growth. Your support means the world to me as I prepare for the next chapter of this journey.

Stay tuned for more episodes soon, and feel free to reach out at info@atiskettasketpodcast.com. Happy New Year!

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 Hello and Happy New Year. I know it has been quite a while since I've posted. But this podcast is not abandoned. I have no idea. How does January, 2025, but it has been an extraordinarily busy and productive time.  Last I updated the blog. I did speak at the 2024 American folklore conference in November . And it was absolutely an amazing experience. 

It was so wonderful to meet up with old friends and make new ones. I attended some great presentations, including one on Jimmy Buffett and religious pilgrimage. And I even spoke on Jimmy Buffett and Bascom sort of outlined in my last podcast episode. I wrote an article based on the presentation. And I'm actually really proud of myself for getting a well-written academic article from it. I submitted it for publication to the journal of American folklore, otherwise known as JAF. And while it did not get accepted, I'm not heartbroken. I got extraordinarily great feedback from the editors. They commented that my framework was a little old since it was based on baskets, 1954 article. Which is a little bit too outdated for any modern impact in today's folklore scholarship. Nevertheless, I'm very proud of myself for having gone from a pulmonary embolism, crippling physical and mental issues, a decade of recovery to submitting an article for publication.  

And I have even better news post-conference I have received two excellent opportunities. One, I learned that Oxford university in the Bodleian library have  fellowships for their special collections. One of their collections is the entirety of ops research. 

That's right. The ops that I talk about frequently.  I have applied for six months or so fellowship to go abroad and to review their work. My goal would be to review what they've done in discuss where to go from there. It would be an absolutely life-changing opportunity. And I have so many people to thank for it. 

One of whom is Steven route for writing me the best in most humbling letter of recommendation. I will hear back this spring. If I have been accepted, but it was truly an honor to be considered really.  Secondly, a Memorial University in Newfoundland Labrador, Canada has offered me a paid position in their folklore PhD program that would begin in September, 2025. I him more than honored and quite frankly, flabbergasted to be considered for this position and not afraid to admit that the prospect kind of terrifies me. As my audience knows I've struggled with disabilities my entire adult life and I've been really considering if it's worth investing my time and health to pursue a PhD. That is not even to mention that my husband and possibly dog will be staying in Cleveland, Ohio.  There are a lot of things to consider before accepting this opportunity, not the least of which is the expense. While the position will be covered, it is extraordinarily expensive to move. Not to mention abroad.  After thinking about this opportunity and writing many pro con list, I've decided that I will likely accept the opportunity once it's presented to me.  With that being said, every penny that comes from this podcast will go toward my moving and living expenses. And I thank every one of you for not only listening, but also supporting me in this endeavor. 

Folklore literally saved my life. This podcast has provided an opportunity to engage in my passion for learning and with that, I found a community to grow with and to contribute.  I intend to spend 2025 working on this podcast and working on folklore projects. Please stay tuned for what comes next. I hope to get a few episodes up and going here shortly. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at info@atiskettasketpodcast.com  thank you and happy new year.  

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